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We found 1 nursing homes in Warburton :
AdventCare Yarra Ranges
Description : AdventCare Yarra Ranges is located in picturesque Warburton, providing holistic, resident focused aged care services. Caring for the aged community for over 28 years AdventCare Yarra Ranges excels in clinical care, integrity and quality of life for all of its residents. AdventCare Yarra Ranges promotes a family environment. The Staff are never too busy to take a moment out of their day to say hello or find out more about the lives of our residents. Residents have total freedom to come and go as they please. Wander around the carefully maintained gardens, or plant your own vegetables if you wish. Enjoy a stroll along the river bank and maybe even catch a fresh fish. Feel the difference clean, fresh mountain air and pure water can make. Feel like dining out for a change, shops, cafes and entertainment facilities are only a five minute walk away. Residents have the choice of many activities organised on a weekly basis. There is always something happening, whether it is shopping trips, excursions to places of interest or clubs. A newly developed program gives the less mobile residents the opportunity to be taken out on motorised scooters, so that they can experience first hand the many walking tracks around Warburton. AdventCare Yarra Ranges's Catering Department is second to none providing a wide and varied selection of meals with special needs or preferences catered for. AdventCare Yarra Ranges at Warburton is an exceptional standard of care facility and we invite you to inspect the friendly and relaxed atmosphere enjoyed by our residents. For bookings please telephone 1800.
Address : 5 Woods Point Rd, Warburton VIC 3799
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, CareAbout is not affiliated with My Aged Care. CareAbout is an independent service helping older Australians to navigate their way through the often-confusing landscape of Aged Care in Australia.

  • Most people in Australia would prefer to stay in their own home than move into an Aged Care Home. The government supports both situations and is increasingly shifting funding to care at home.

  • We’re lucky that the government helps to fund the cost of aged care. Everyone over the age of 65 years is entitled to some help. And yes, everyone is expected to contribute to the cost of aged care.

  • If you choose to access government subsidies you need to start by calling My Aged Care. My Aged Care will walk you through the steps you need to take, starting with a face – to – face assessment of your loved one’s needs. My Aged Care will also guide you through the fees you will need to contribute to the costs of care. You can then choose how you want to spend the government subsidies – this may mean support to stay at home or moving into an Aged Care Home. There is a delay of up to 8 weeks to access government subsidies. If you need help earlier you can pay for care directly. If you need help now, CareAbout can talk you through the fees and services of our different partners so you can compare aged care value and service offerings.

  • Aged Care is complex and expensive. There seems to be endless fees and hoops to jump through. But there is help. Call CareAbout and we’ll explain aged care fees in words you’ll understand. We can even match you with one of our care partners – and this is absolutely free!