Home Care subsidies – what’s available?

Need some extra help at home? The government provides subsidised funding for a variety of conditions. Your GP can also help you to access several Home Care supplements.

You may be able to access a variety of Home Care supplements in addition to your current Home Care services.

Sometimes, Home Care on its own doesn’t offer enough support to meet your needs. Thankfully, there are additional sources of government funding for specific conditions. Generally, to access Home Care supplements and confirm eligibility you will need to be assessed – you can ask your current provider to arrange this for you. Your GP can also give you access to several subsidised services.

1. Dementia and cognition supplement

Those whose cognition is moderately or severely impacted by dementia (or other conditions), may be eligible for an additional 11.5% of their current home care funds. Eligibility for this supplement is determined by a score of 10 or higher on the Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale (PAS). Information about how to complete the assessment can be found in the Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale User Guide.

For further information and details about how to apply, click here.

2. CAPs funding

Continence Aids Payment Scheme (or CAPS) is a yearly payment to help you cover the cost of products that help you manage incontinence. To be eligible, you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident and have permanent or severe incontinence.

To apply, you will need to fill in the CAPS application form with an appropriate health professional, such as a GP, registered nurse or physiotherapist (among others).

3. Financial hardship assistance

If you are struggling to pay for your care costs and are experiencing financial difficulties that are outside your control, you may be able to apply for financial hardship assistance. If successful in your application and assessment, the government will pay some or all of your fees and charges. Each case takes into account a range of issues and is assessed on an individual basis.

Read more about financial hardship assistance here.

4. Oxygen supplement

For those who have a continual need for oxygen, the oxygen supplement may be beneficial. To be eligible, your need for oxygen must be ongoing rather than a short-term, emergency need.

Your provider is responsible for completing the application process and a medical practitioner will need to detail your particular oxygen requirements and confirm your continual, ongoing need for oxygen.

For further details and to apply, click here.

5. Enteral feeding funding

Supplemental funding is available for those who require enteral feeding (tube feeding). The application process must be completed by the care provider and must include:

  • written certification by a medical practitioner confirming the need for enteral feeding
  • details of the particular feeding requirements
  • written certification by a medical practitioner or dietician that the dietary formula is nutritionally complete

*Please note: funding cannot be claimed for intermittent or supplementary enteral funding when it is given in addition to oral feeding.

6. Veteran’s supplement

This subsidy provides an additional 11.5% funding on top of the Home Care Package amount for veterans with a mental health condition (if it is deemed to be related to their service).

Note: If a veteran is eligible for both the Veterans’ Supplement and the Dementia and Cognition Supplement in-home care, the approved provider will only receive the Veterans’ Supplement.

7. Viability supplement

This supplement is available to those living in rural or remote areas. It is Intended to help meet the higher costs of delivering care to people in these areas. Speak to your provider to see if you are eligible for the viability supplement.

8. Supplements available through your GP

In addition to the above supplements, a visit to your GP can be very worthwhile! Your GP can give you access to half-price taxis and can develop a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) – formerly known as Enhanced Primary Care – which entitles you to 5 Medicare-funded sessions with a Physiotherapist or a Podiatrist. Speak to your GP today!

9. Transition Care

Have you heard of Transition Care? Most people haven’t, but it can be an incredible help if you or your loved one is in hospital and transitioning back home. It gives you up to 12 weeks of in-home care, paid for by the hospital. But, you must apply for it while you (or your loved one) is still in hospital. As soon as you leave hospital, you are no longer eligible.

Speak to a friendly advisor

To find out more, speak to one of CareAbout’s experts at 13 13 00, we have a discussion with your current provider; they are able to apply for many Home Care supplements on your behalf.

With CareAbout, Home Care is just a click away!

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