DVA and Home Care Package Services
CareAbout can help you apply for Home Care services through the Veterans' Home Care program and find a great service provider!
The DVA does contribute to Home Care if you are a white or a gold card holder. The DVA’s Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) program provides practical support to assist you to remain living in your own home for longer and to maintain your health, wellbeing and independence. However, the amount of care funded by the DVA is low-level and won’t be enough support for those with complex or high care needs.
The DVA defines low-level help as “a small amount of practical help, provided at a low intensity on a short-term or ongoing basis, or increased intensity on a short-term or episodic basis.”
DVA clients with a Gold Health Card or a White Health card who are living at home are eligible to be assessed for VHC services.
Applying for Home Care services through the DVA is simple. The DVA will organise an assessment for you by a VHC Assessment Agency who will visit you in your home and determine your care needs.
Once your assessment is complete and it is determined that you are eligible for Home Care, one on the DVA’s contracted organisations will coordinate and provide your support services.
The DVA contributes to some of the costs of Residential Aged Care for specific DVA clients. These are as follows:
As mentioned earlier, the DVA’s Home Care services provide basic, entry-level support only.
The support services provided by Veterans Home Care are:
Personal care support services provide assistance with daily tasks such as:
The VHC program also assists carers through respite care. These services help your regular carer to take some time off from their caring role. The respite carer will temporarily take the place of your regular carer and provide personal care and domestic assistance services.
The DVA will provide assistance with basic household tasks. Some of these include:
The DVA will provide support workers to maintain the safety of your home and garden. These services are minor tasks that are likely to be performed by a handyman and will help to remove hazards around the home. These tasks might include:
*Please Note: home and garden services do not include major repairs such as those that would normally be completed by a qualified tradesperson. Lawn mowing and pruning will only be undertaken if they are a safety risk, cosmetic gardening tasks are not covered by VHC.
You can receive support through VHC services and support through a Home Care Package concurrently, however there are some conditions to be aware of. You are not able to access the same type of service from both providers at the same time. For example, if you are receiving domestic support through your Veterans Home Care services, you cannot also use your Home Care Package to pay for domestic support during the same period of time.