A Home Care Package is a pool of funding allocated to you by the government to assist older Australians over 65 with care and support in your own home. These packages offer levels of support beyond what the commonwealth home support programme can provide.
Home care packages also known as my aged care packages, centrelink home care packages, my aged care home care packages and government-subsidised home care packages.
Receiving care in your own home is beneficial to you as well as to the government, so the support they are offering is generous and worth taking up! Let’s understand the benefits of home care package fundings.
Home Care Packages are divided into four levels, with each level receiving a different level of funding. Funding is based upon care requirements and reflects the amount of support needed. As such, those assigned to HCP level 1 and HCP level 2 require a low level of care and those assigned to HCP level 3 or HCP Level 4 require a high level of care and support. Learn more about – Home Care Package Levels
The Australian Government pays a different subsidy amount for each level of Home Care Package. They will also pay for supplements for specific additional care needs. These amounts are paid to the home care provider you choose for the services they deliver.
The total amount of a Home Care Package is made up of what:
To be eligible for a Home Care Package in Australia you need to be aged:
HCPs offer higher levels of assistance than the CHSP. The eligibility ages are the same, however, HCPs are for people who need greater or more complex care. There are 4 levels of package available, which give you different amounts of funding depending on your care needs.
Being allocated to a level 1, 2, 3 or 4 My Aged Care Home Care Package depends upon an individual’s current circumstances and requirements. During your Aged Care Assessment, your assessor will ask a range of questions to determine which level Package is best to meet your care needs.
CareAbout recommends you are realistic about your needs.
Many older Australians dislike feeling vulnerable or asking for help, but to ensure you receive the level of care to help you stay comfortable within your own home, it is important to show vulnerability during your Assessment.
Your home care package funds should be utilised towards services that meet your home care needs as accessed by the My Aged Care assessors or ACAT team that includes services like – Home modification, gardening, aid and equipment, cleaners, nutrition and diet, Medicare, meal providers etc.
However, home care package funds cannot be used for travel and accommodation for holidays, rent payments, gambling activities, cost of entertainment activities, home modification or assets that are not related to your care needs etc.
CareAbout is Australia’s leading Home Care placement service. We’ve helped thousands of families choose the right Home Care provider and Residential Aged Care for their needs and we would love to help you.
Call us today and get free, no-obligation access to our team of Aged Care Specialists.
Levels of Home Care Packages
How To Apply For A Home Care Package
Home Care Packages Wait Times
Income Tested Fee for Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages Fees and Costs