We help you determine the services that you most need, and find a reliable, quality provider in your area.
Our team clearly explains to you how different gov. subsidies work and how to access the support you need
We'll take the time to understand what your health, lifestyle and cultural preferences are
The Home Care providers we recommend have been carefully evaluated so that you know the choice you make is one you can trust
Help around the house can have a huge impact on your ability to remain living independently in your home. Therefore, using your Home Care services for assistance with things like laundry, making beds and cleaning can help you feel confident knowing your home is safe, tidy and clean.
Our Social Support Program aims to assist you to live independently. The program enables people to stay connected to their local communities though participation in social activities such as: friendly home visits, social outing, phone support and etc.
Everyday personal care is essential to maintain independence and living at home. Personal care services include bathing, showering, personal hygiene, dressing, toileting, hair styling/grooming, dental hygiene, mobility, transfer in and out of bed.
How many Home Care Providers are in Ipswich ?
The Australian Government doesn’t provide data about providers in this city. However, we know that Ipswich belongs to the West Moreton region that has 24 approved Home Care Package providers.
What is Ipswich population size?
The Ipswich council area Estimated Resident Population for 2019 is 222,307
How many Home Care Packages are in Ipswich?
The Australian Government doesn’t provide data about the number of people in Home Care Packages in this city. However, we know that Ipswich belongs to the West Moreton region that as of March 31 2020 had 831 people in Home Care Packages.
How many people over the age of 60 are in Ipswich ?
There were 20,750 people over the age of 65 living in the Ipswich council area in 2016, 12.7% of the area population.
How many unpaid carers are in Ipswich ?
In the Ipswich council area 17,158 carers were providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, long term illness or old age in 2016. This represents 11.6% of the population aged 15+
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