What is CHSP? | Commonwealth Home Support Program

Clients who have been assessed and approved for a Home Care Package, but who are still waiting for their funding, may be eligible to receive some services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) as an interim arrangement. If approved, the services provided will be at an entry-level of support consistent with CHSP, not at the level of support of the Home Care Package they have been approved for.

When can Commonwealth Home Support Program services be accessed by active Home Care Package consumers?

Generally, the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) should not be made available to those who are already receiving support through a Home Care Package.  However, there are some circumstances where Home Care Package recipients can access CHSP supports.

There are three circumstances in which someone with a  Home Care Package can also receive services through the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

  1. If you have been allocated a Level 1 or 2 Home Care Package and your package budget is already exhausted, you can access additional Allied Health and Therapy or Nursing services. *Note: these are only available to you on a short-term basis, following a specific injury or setback.
  2. Short-term respite services are available to those with any Home Care Package level where the budget has already been fully allocated. The respite services have to be planned in advance and must be required by the regular carer.
  3. In an emergency, broad CHSP services are available to people with a Home Care Package whose budgets have been exhausted. In emergency situations, CHSP services must be time-limited, monitored and reviewed.

In all of the above circumstances, the consumer must be assessed through a My Aged Care assessment organisation (usually the Aged Care Assessment Team) in order to receive CHSP services. The CHSP services provided will be monitored and reviewed, and are only available on a short-term basis. Those who have a Home Care Package will be expected to contribute to the cost of CHSP services.

*CHSP services will only be provided to Home Care Package consumers when capacity is available and when it does not disadvantage those who are currently accessing CHSP.

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What is Home Care?  

Home Care Package Levels

Home Care Package fees 

Waiting for Home Care Package