Consumer Directed Care – you’re now in the driver’s seat

What is Consumer Directed Care?

Consumer Directed Care is part of the rolling reforms to Aged Care. In the past, Home Care Packages were awarded to approved care providers, whereas Home Care Packages are now released to individuals on a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) basis. This means you have increased control over how you spend your government subsidies .

So does the money from the government your money? The answer is both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. ‘Yes’ – you can spend it on a broad range of aged care services to help you stay at home. And ‘No – the subsidy is not actually put in your bank account but held on your behalf to be used how you choose.

Change can be good!
The fundamentals of Consumer Directed Care means that you have flexibility, choice and control.

So What Can You Spend It On?

You can spend the Home Care Package on pretty much any service you might need to help you to live at home (except items such as food, medicine, rent and entertainment). This could be decluttering your home, cleaning your windows and moving phone points so you can easily access the phone from your bed. Or more basic assistance such as personal care, transport to health appointments, nursing care and meal preparation.

Our article on How to use your Home Care Package gives some great advice and information on all of the services you might be able to use with your funding.

The fundamentals of Consumer Directed Care means that you have flexibility, choice and control.


With Consumer Directed Care, you decide what you want your money to be spent on and when. So if you need a hospital bed at home you can choose to spend all of your annual government subsidy on a hospital bed. If you choose to have a lot of help one month and only a little the next month, that’s fine too.

The government subsidies bend with you and your changing needs.


Not only can you choose how your money is spent, you can choose who provides your services. Every care provider will offer different services that may appeal to you. Once you work out what’s important to you CareAbout can help you to choose the right aged care providers for your needs.

You decide what you want your money to be spent on and when


You not only control what your money is spent on and who provides your services but you can also choose to leave a care provider if you’re unhappy with the services provided. You have control.

If you’re unhappy with your current care provider or you want some help finding a care provider who can meet your needs and budget, give CareAbout a call and we can guide you through the process, at no cost to you.

With CareAbout, Home Care is just a click away!

Helpful Articles! 

What is Home Care?  

Home Care Package Levels

Home Care Package fees 

Home Care Package wait times

Home Care Package guide