So you’ve received your Home Care Package and want to know what to do next. Maybe you’ve already started looking around and are confused. That’s no surprise. This is why you should contact CareAbout. They can explain what everything means, what your options are, and help you find a care provider to meet your needs and budget!
Before you go too far down the track of searching for a home care provider, make a list of the key home care services you need from your Home Care package. You can then ask providers directly about these services, or use CareAbout to find a provider that best meets these needs. The types of home care services to consider are:
Find out more about home care services.
Even if you receive a Home Care Package, you are still expected to pay something towards the cost of the service. The amount you are asked to contribute depends on your income, assets and circumstances.
There are two types of fees you may be asked to pay: the basic daily fee and an income-tested care fee.
The more money you have for your care, the more care you’ll receive.
There are other fees that can be charged by the providers. Different providers charge different amounts. This is because they offer different services and value for money. They can meet different individual needs such as having a Greek speaking carer, or matching the personality of a carer with your own interests, as well as specialising in different services like dementia care or palliative care. So make sure you don’t sign with a Home Care provider until you’re confident you know all of their fees – there are often hefty exit fees to consider.
Apart from providing different services, some carers charge a larger administration fee than others. Here’s an example of how you might lose out on valuable care hours to big fees.
Provider A takes 40% of your government subsidies in fees and Provider B only takes 15%. This means you have significantly less hours to help you stay safely and confidently at home if you’ve signed with Provider A.
This is where CareAbout can help. They know the questions to ask, and can calculate how much you will have to spend on your needs, not on the provider’s administration fees. Remember, the more money you have for your care, the more care you’ll receive.
We all have the right to choose how we live. Changes to aged care in Australia have put you in control. Make sure you’re getting the right help and if you need support finding the right care provider for your needs or if you’ve got further questions, call CareAbout.
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