When you are given a Home Care Package from the government you will receive a monthly statement showing the amount of funds you have, what you have spent your funds on and how much unspent money you have remaining in the Package.
Your Home Care Package is accrued monthly and the government subsidy each month is detailed in your statement.
Your Home Care provider creates the statement and will send you a copy each month.
Home Care providers all use different systems to share the statement and to show how the funds have been spent and what funds remain. Before you choose a Home Care provider you should ask them for an example of their Home Care Package monthly statement.
Your monthly statement will include all of the things that you’re using your Home Care Package for.
A Home Care Package provides you with a package of funds you can spend on any care or services you need or want to remain living safely and happily in your home. There are guidelines on what a Home Care Package can be used for.
A Home Care Package can be used on a wide range of things you need to remain living safely in your own home.
Some of the things a Home Care Package can be used for include:
A Home Care Package does not cover things that may already be subsidised by the government such as bills, rent or your mortgage.
It also doesn’t include food unless there are specific dietary requirements as part of someone’s care.
Home Care Packages come in four different levels: Level 1 Home Care Package, Level 2 Home Care Package and Level 4 Home Care Package. Each level corresponds to a different amount of funding you can spend on any care or services you need to remain living safely at home.
A Level 4 Home Care Package includes $62,013.50 per year for you to choose to spend on your care each year. You can choose to spend this money on services or care you require to remain living at home.
Home Care Packages are guided by Consumer Directed Care principles. This means that the consumer gets to direct how the money is spent, what the money is spent on and who delivers the care and services.
If you are a full pensioner you will not be asked to contribute to your Home Care Package by the government. If you are a part pensioner or a self-funded retiree you may be asked to contribute an amount towards your Home Care Package. The government determines how much you can afford by an Income-Tested Fee.
If you are over the age of 65 years and need some extra support to remain at home then you can apply for a Home Care Package. You need to apply for a Home Care Package through the government body My Aged Care.