Dementia: a poem

If I get dementia…
If I get dementia, I want my friends & family to embrace my reality.
If I get dementia, I don’t want to be treated like a child. Talk to me like the adult I am.
If I get dementia, I still want to enjoy the things that I’ve always enjoyed. Help me find a way to exercise, read & visit with friends.
If I get dementia, ask me to tell you a story from my past.
If I get dementia, and I become agitated, take the time to try to figure out what is bothering me.
If I get dementia, treat me the way you would want to be treated.
If I get dementia, make sure there are plenty of snacks for me in the house. Even now, if I don’t eat I get angry, and if I get dementia, I may have trouble explaining what I need.
If I get dementia, don’t talk about me as if I’m not in the room.
If I get dementia, don’t feel guilty if you cannot care for me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s not your fault, and you’ve done your best. Find someone who can help you, or choose a great new place for me to live.
If I get dementia, and I live in a dementia care community, please visit me often.
If I get dementia, don’t be frustrated if I mix up names, events or places. Take a deep breath – it’s not my fault.
If I get dementia, make sure I always have my favourite music playing within earshot.
If I get dementia, and I like to pick up items & carry them around, help me return those items to their original places.
If I get dementia, don’t exclude me from family parties & gatherings.
If I get dementia, know that I still like receiving hugs or handshakes.
If I get dementia, remember that I am still the person you know & love.
–By Rachael Wonderlin (2015)