How To Find An Aged Care Provider In 3 Simple Steps

Finding a great Aged Care provider might seem like a daunting task but armed with the right knowledge and tools, it can be a simple process. Aged Care providers come in many shapes and forms so before you begin your search, make sure you know the type of Aged Care that is most appropriate for your needs. This may be care in your own home, or care within an Aged Care Home (Residential Aged Care).
Here are our three simple steps for choosing the Aged Care provider that’s right for you.
Step 1: Assessing Your Needs
Before you can really dive into your provider research and comparisons, you must first know what your care needs are. Assessing your needs begins by registering yourself with My Aged Care and undergoing an ACAT assessment. During this assessment you will be asked a range of questions about your current situation to help determine what level of care best suits your needs.
The results of your assessment will tell you exactly what type of care you are able to access – this may be home care through the Commonwealth Home Support Program, Home Care through a Home Care Package, or full-time care in an Aged Care Home.
Sometimes the results of your assessment can be a little confusing. If you’ve had your assessment and are unsure about what type and level of care you have available to you, contact us today!
Step 2: Exploring Your Options
Now, this step can feel quite overwhelming! There are a huge number of providers and you want to make sure you find a great fit. Research potential Home Care providers, read reviews, and compare services and costs. Ah, but wait! There are over 900 Home Care providers in Australia. That’s a lot of research, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got a shortcut!
We’ve already done the legwork. We’ve vetted a massive network of quality Aged Care providers Australia-wide. And guess what? We’re offering you free, no-obligation access to our team of Aged Care Specialists. It’s like having your own personal trainer – but for Aged Care. So, skip the stress, save those hours of research, and swiftly find a local provider that’s just right for you.
Step 3: Making An Informed Decision
This is the peak of your Aged Care journey – making an informed and confident decision. At this point you may need to be extra cautious to make sure you don’t get tricked into paying fees you don’t have to. To learn more about some common hidden fees that are charged, read this. Your Aged Care experience should be clear and straightforward, without all the industry jargon.
In the grand scheme of things, finding the right Aged Care provider isn’t just a checklist; it’s a thoughtful process. So, make sure the decision you make is one that leaves you feeling fulfilled and content.
Finding the right Aged Care provider doesn’t have to be a headache. It’s a journey, and we’re here to make it a smooth one. Our guidance is free for you and your family and can save you hours of time researching options.